PEACE BY PEACE COTTON was launched as a circulation project by FELISSIMO in 2008.
For fashion, “cotton” is the most familiar material that we use with fashion items. However, on its farming land,
The reason why we started this project was our realisation of these situations surrounding these farmers and their families.
These days, we can purchase clothes at reasonable prices overwhelmingly, compared with the situation several years ago.
However, it is also a reality that there are some who enjoy fashion, and others and the environment suffer from the cultivation of cloth materials.
We are trying to promote products made of Indian organic cotton with corporations and other organisations. Building a structure that purchasing our products contributes to funds to (1) support cotton farmers to acquire organic farming methods and (2) provide their children with scholarships to access education.
In 2018, we gained legal status (General Incorporated Foundation), and have continued our activities since then, in order to scale up our support activities with more partners and supporters.
Our business is to promote products made of Indian organic cotton with corporations and other organisations. Part of the sales is utilised as funds in order to farm cotton again.
The funds enable the farmers to start cotton cultivation and that delivers the delight of clothes shopping to consumers again.
By realising such a positive cycle, we aim to create a system that will continue to bring smiles to all those who participate in this project as well as a rich and healthy ground for the future.
Part of the sales from products made of Indian organic cotton will be collected as funds.
Those funds are used for supporting farmers to start organic cultivation and providing scholarships for children of cotton farmers to access education.
Then, organic cotton cultivation will be started with the funds, and new products will be manufactured.
Clothes shopping that we always enjoy in our lives becomes a part of the PBP project, and supports inheriting the rich and healthy land for the future.
Each PBP product has one of these three kinds of “CERTIFICATION” tags (100 yen, 200 yen, and 300 yen), which depend on the price of the products. The funds support cotton farmers to acquire organic farming methods and provide scholarships to farmers’ children to continue their education.
*During the period from 2022 to 2024, all children of farmers participating in the project were able to attend school regularly, and there were no children who needed to return to school after dropping out.
*Until 2022, we displayed the total amount of donations received (133,397,863 yen as of July 2022). Currently, we are showing a figure that includes additional amounts contributed since then.